The GTPA has multiple stakeholders ranging from preservice teachers, teacher educators, regulatory and education authorities, and school communities including supervising teachers, classroom students and parents.
Preservice teachers
Preservice teachers undertake professional experience placements as part of their approved teacher education program. In undertaking the GTPA in a final-year placement, preservice teachers demonstrate their ability to undertake an integrated planning, teaching and assessing cycle of practice.
Teacher educators and higher education institutions
Teacher educators are responsible for liaising with school-based personnel and supervising teachers to ensure all participants are informed about the purpose and implementation of the GTPA during the professional experience placement. Teacher educators are also responsible for the assessment and moderation of the GTPA.
Schools and supervising teachers
The supervising teacher plays a role in the ongoing learning of preservice teachers during professional experience placements. The supervising teacher collaborates with teacher educators to ensure that preservice teachers have the opportunities to develop and demonstrate effective classroom practices prior to graduation and entry into the profession.
Regulatory and education authorities
Teacher regulatory and education authorities have a vested interest in assuring the effectiveness of teachers entering the profession and their demonstrated competence in meeting the Graduate Teacher Standards. They are represented on the GTPA Steering Group supporting the Trial.