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International e-Learning Excellence Awards

On Friday 30 October 2020, the ILSTE-led GTPA team was awarded runner-up in the 6th e-Learning Excellence Awards of the European Conference on e-Learning for their case history titled, ‘Learning to Improve Quality of Teacher Education: Collaboration in Digital Infrastructure, Data and Visualisation’. The case history presented the customised digital infrastructure used in the GTPA to collect, store, analyse and visualize data from multiple, geographically dispersed higher education institutions (HEIs). Known as ‘Evidence for Quality in Initial Teacher Education’ (EQuITE), the unique system is used to provide feedback to participating HEIs through the generation of confidential reports on the application of an endorsed standard of graduates’ readiness to enter the teaching profession. The case history is to be published in the edited book titled, ‘6th e-Learning Excellence Awards’, in 2021.

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